The Saturday Spark
Tell us: If the preciousness of your life were a color, which color would it be?
Here’s the latest news regarding my work and this online community. Asterisked content (*) is fully accessible only to supporting subscribers. Care to sustain The Raft by upgrading your membership? At less than $5 a month, it costs less than a small bouquet of flowers!
Next week I’ll celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. I count you among them. Watch next week for a message of gratitude, just for you.
Confused by all the Raft offerings? Let me help!
Enjoy this six-minute video survey of The Raft.
Don’t miss . . .
☀️ "Turning Toward Life with a Pen in Your Hand": Exploring Poetry of Presence II. A four-week poetry-writing series with Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer. Details here.
☀️ * "Living from Our Yes": A Conversation about Gratitude, Creativity, & Community. A special celebration with Carrie Newcomer for all supporting subscribers. Details here.
And a bonus for Rafter women !
☀️ Bonus for Rafter women! I’m delighted to be a presenter for EmpowHER, a free virtual summit in early December organized by Rafter
. Email registration will open on November 28. Details here.Catch up! (event replays)
Next week on The Raft . . .
No free events next week as I’m out of studio for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Grateful, grateful!
My heartfelt thanks to these folks for their recent gifts in support of The Raft: Brigid Beckman, Patty Carpenter, Andrea Grzesina, Don Mayhew, Jari Thymian, Gerald Underdal, Lucia Van Ruiten, joanned, and rvanpuy.
Feeling “inbox overwhelm”? Try the Rafter Digest!
ONE email, sent every Saturday, containing links to every major post from that week. Use this button to turn on your subscription (or to change other newsletter preferences). Problems? Email me and I’ll help!
Whew! That's all for now. Stay well. Stay witty. Stay tuned into your true spot and create from your radiant, beautiful self.
🧡 Thanks for reading! As part of The Raft, this newsletter is kept afloat by beautiful readers like you. If you like my work, please sustain it by sharing it with a friend, becoming a supporting subscriber, buying my books, or inviting me to speak. And remember to add your 2¢ by leaving comments!
Clear as water.
Sparkling. Refreshing. Life giving. Cool. Pretty in the light. Soothing to hear it move. So when people look upon the preciousness of my life they feel uplifted. For aren’t we all intertwined in all things at all times. ?
no one color. I think a blending from cool yellow through greens into deal.