The Saturday Spark
Tell us: What’s one “cat” that you’re sitting still and waiting (more or less!) patiently to come to you right now?
Here’s the latest news regarding my work and this online community. Asterisked content (*) is fully accessible only to paying subscribers. Care to support The Raft by upgrading your membership? At less than $5 a month, it costs less than a small bouquet of flowers!
*Starting next Sunday: “The Dig”!
I invite you to “dig” deeper into the current of your own creativity as a writer and benefit from its flow. The last Sunday of each month, I’ll email you a writing prompt. You may respond to it in whatever form tickles your fancy. Learn more and/or sign up for The Dig here.
In case you missed it . . .
Creatives’ Coffee replay
Poetry Pick-Me-Up replay
If you came to Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer’s event . . .
Thanks so much for helping to create a wondrous evening! By now, the post-event goody packet should have landed in your inbox (it includes the link to the replay). If you didn’t get it, please check your spam or junk.
Next week on The Raft . . .
Watch for TWO big Raft announcements—the first about October’s Deep Dive, and the other about the launch of “Poets on the Raft”!
Poetry Pick-Me-Up (Zoom, Thursday, 12-1PM Central). A casual weekly gathering for poetry-sharing, celebration, and discussion. Hop on the Zoom at this link. Bring a poem you like to read to the group. Or, just come to listen to poems offered by other Rafters and to participate in informal but wholehearted conversation. Can’t make it? Watch for the video replay in this newsletter!
Grateful, grateful!
My heartfelt thanks to these folks for their recent gifts in support of The Raft: Debra Bailey, Claire Coenen, Jan Haag, Beth Shropshire, janvernor, joanned, Robin, and SusanLL.
Feeling “inbox overwhelm”? Try the Rafter Digest!
ONE email, sent every Saturday, containing links to every major post from that week. Use this button to turn on your subscription (or to change other newsletter preferences). Problems? Email me and I’ll help!
Whew! That's all for now. Stay well. Stay witty. Stay tuned into your true spot and create from your radiant, beautiful self.
🧡 Thanks for reading! As part of The Raft, this newsletter is kept afloat by beautiful readers like you. If you like my work, please support it by sharing it with a friend, becoming a paid subscriber, buying my books, or inviting me to speak. And remember to add your 2¢ by leaving comments!
Hmmmmm… for thought 🤔:))